Nishit Garg
Vice President - Flipkart Fashion
Nishit Garg,
DMA: 1989 – 2003
(Nur – Class XII)
IIT Delhi: 2003 – 2007
IIM Bangalore: 2009 – 2011
Vice President and head of Fashion at Flipkart, has done remakable work to bring flipkart business to new heights.
Recollecting school memories is always a very emotional moment for me and I can certainly say that I have spent the best years of my life at DMA. Schooling at DMA was incredible and has had a huge role to play in how I have shaped as a person. I learnt to express myself and at the same time understand the boundaries of discipline and conduct. Education here wasn’t restricted to just books but how one should behave as a responsible citizen.
The wide variety of experiences that I went through as a student at my school, ensured that I learnt to embrace failure with grace and success with humility. As I look back, all my teachers were a bunch of super human beings who constantly endeavoured to bring out the best in us. My teachers helped me in coping with setbacks and coached me to develop a positive attitude towards every situation and that has been my greatest strength as an individual. I would want to convey my deep regards to all my teachers for their blessings and warmth that has always been with me in all strides of life.
Just a word for my fellow DMAites – however high you rise in life, do remember that the time spent at school & blessings of our teachers will always be the core ingredients in your success.
Deep regards to all my teachers and best wishes to all DMAites for their future endeavours!